
Help Support our Continued Success!

Volunteer Vacancy - we are looking for someone with the energy and enthusiasm to lead and manage our Scout Group. This is a role we call Group Scout Leader (GSL).  This role offers the chance to make a real difference to local young people as you lead and direct how Scouting operates locally.  To find out more download our vacancy pack

We meet at:

Windhill Churches Centre


Bishop's Stortford


CM23 2ND

Cubs 8-101/2  year olds

Learn practical skills while having adventure with friends

We meet Monday 6.45pm–8.15pm

Beavers 6-8 year olds

Make friends and try new indoor and outdoor activities

We meet Monday 4.45pm–5.45pm

Scouts 101/2-14 year olds

Build confidence, resilience and sense of adventure

We meet Wednesday 7.30pm-9.20pm